Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The Little League Championship World Series just ended with a team from Southern California defeating a team from Chinese Tai-Pai for the title of World Champs. Watching the entire championship series for more than a week reminded me of when I played Little League ball. They are good memories and I loved playing baseball. Our high school did not have a baseball team and I wasn't good enough to play in college so my Little League experience was it.

I played pitcher and second base. The coach told me I had a rather nasty natural curve ball. I didn't know the mechanics of "how" to throw it ... I just did. I also had a good change-up and a decent fast-ball. I could throw the curve ball on either side of the plate according the whether a batter was a "righty" or a "lefty." I had a very high strike-out ratio and was also successful at getting hitters to hit playable ground balls. When I lost my "stuff" I would get sent to the bench or to second base. I liked second base but it wasn't as much fun as pitching.

I played Little League for 3 summers. Each of the 3 years I was elected to the District All-Star team by my coaches as a pitcher. Only one other kid on our teams got elected to the All-Star team, so I was pretty proud and honored. I have some beautiful medals packed away somewhere but I don't know where. If I ever find them I'll put them somewhere easier to find.

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