Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's that Smell?

When I was in the 1st grade I pooped my pants! I remember sitting in the room, holding up my hand to get the teachers attention, to ask permission to go to the bathroom. I held and held and held up my hand but the teacher ignored me. Now it was too late. I pooped my pants right there at my desk!

Of course it started to smell. I remember a couple of girls that sat in desks next to mine began to ask "What is that smell?" And, "Where is it coming from?" I played along and acted like I didn't have a clue as to where the smell was coming from. Of course, it was coming from me.

When the teacher finally figured out the scenerio, she escorted me to the principals office. Of course there was a stinky trail following us. They were unprepared in the office to handle a situation like this, so once again they called my aunt Bea to come get me.

Aunt Bea came and took me home to her house which was only about 4 blocks from the school. She cleaned me up and called my mom to bring some clothes and to come get me.

One of the worst things was having to wear my girl cousins underwear, Mary Lou's, until my mom could get there with my clothes.

The other tough thing was going to school the next day and having all my friends rag on and tease me. It was especially difficult to face the two girls who set next to me.

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