Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Knew Nothing

My dad bought me a Daisy "Red Ryder" BB gun for my birthday one year. Don't remember how old I was but dad must have thought I was old enough. I loved it. I played cowboys and Indians with it nearly every day. All of my friends had BB guns and I think I was the last one in my group to get one.

We used to go to a friends barn and shoot at each other. Yes ... shoot at each other. The standing rule was to shoot below the waist but of course, there was an accidental shot once in a while that landed above the waist. It is a wonder that someone didn't get hurt seriously.

There was a street light on the corner next to my house. We would shoot out the bulb because it was great target practice. Someone, probably my grandma,would report that the light was out and the city would come and replace the bulb. Of course, usually that same night, we would shoot out the light bulb again. After a while the city just ignored the street light so the corner was in the dark most all the time.

We never did get caught shooting out the light but the town marshall did come by and talk to me one time about it. Of course "I knew nothing ... nothing at all."

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